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Great post Jay! I really like these tips and will put them into practice.


All good points Jay. I especially like #'s 4 & 5. We prove our resolve by the actions we take, the expectations we passionately embrace and the persistence we employ to accomplish our desires. God responds by facilitating our efforts, placing bread crumbs of opportunity in our path.


Thanks Jay for this great post. It came right at the perfect time. I love how God works! Have a great day!

Desiree Sims


Your post gives me a lot to think about. I'm going to save it because I know I'll read it again. Very relevant and encouraging. Thank you.


Jay, I really found this very helpful. I believe you have to stay positive in life to have Faith. Because to me if you are not positive you have less Faith. I base my life on having Faith in God. Because having Faith is what will get us through life. Plus one can not expect God to do it all. We have to put forth and work toward what we want.Keep up the good work. Keep us wondering what it will be next.


In these hard economic times I am sure a
lot of us have had our faith put to the
test with the loss of jobs but I really
like Alans post God places bread crumbs
of opportunity in our path. We just have to
open our eyes and see them.


Jay Platt

Thanks Chick! These are something for all of us to remember and apply.

Jay Platt

Thanks Alan! I love the "crumbs of opportunity" analogy.

Jay Platt

Thanks Desiree! It is amazing how that works, huh?

Jay Platt

Thanks Vicki! Sooooo glad to hear and hope you will.

Jay Platt

Thanks Emma! Your kind words mean more than you may realize.

Jay Platt

Thanks Loraine! I agree with what you've said, no doubt.

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