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Three great ways to turn obstacles and personal road blocks into opportunities for success.

Cheryl Yantis

You're "THE" man who wouldn't listen up. We want to learn from you without going through the pain you have endured for us.


Very good words of wisdom my friend,now to grow by it

Jay Platt

Thanks Alan!

Jay Platt

Thanks Cheryl!

Jay Platt

Thanks Gene!


Wow. This really brings to the surface a quandary I have had the past few days. I find myself getting hung up on so much junk in my head. I have trouble sleeping, trouble moving on my goals.

Letting go of weaknesses is a good place to start. I can always get back to them later after the dust has settled and I feel stronger.

Jay Platt

Thanks Carole! You are so right, letting go weaknesses is a great place to start!

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